Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I may have missed a few weeks here.

The camera man said I wasn't allowed to smile!

Well, it appears I will have to back update for the final weeks of basic training.  There are some rather funny stories there so it should provide for some future entertainment.

As you may have guessed, I have managed to graduate from basic and moved on to Kingston, ON for further training.  I am proud of my accomplishments during my course and I am also proud to be one step closer to serving my country.

It means a lot to me, no matter what role I end up playing.  I am proud to be doing something that isn't creating the next great alarm clock or sitting in endless pointless meetings.  It never made me happy, no matter how good I was at it.  Now I do push-ups and run endlessly, but I am *happy* because the overall goal is to serve Canada and it's people rather than myself.

I run because I may have to run to help a friend, an injured soldier or my country.  I do push-ups because some day I may have to carry something heavy through rough terrain.  No matter how painful or annoying things become it all has a point and a goal, and most of all, that goal is a good one.

I will be doing a few updates this week regarding my final weeks of basic, future updates will detail my ongoing training here in Kingston and various stories you might find entertaining.

As always, thank you for your support.


  1. "I am proud to be doing something that isn't creating the next great alarm clock or sitting in endless pointless meetings."

    You dick. :P

  2. Best buy sells fantastic alarm clocks. :)

  3. Hi Michael,
    you did it. Myself, your sister, nephew, family-friend and girlfriend where their to watch. What a great graduation ceremony.
    Hope to see you soon again.
    Mom and Nando

  4. looking awesome, bud
